Popular Cat Myths Debunked

Rhazia Fazal

Cat owners know that cats are somewhat of a mysterious creature. Their mysterious behavior has been the catalyst for many ...

What You Can Learn From a Cat’s Body Language

Rhazia Fazal

Regarding cats, Georgina Strickland Gates is quoted as having said “Her function is to sit and be admired”. While that ...

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat

Rhazia Fazal

If you have ever been scratched by your cat, then you know full well that cat scratches are painful. Some ...

How Cats Change as They Age

Rhazia Fazal

So you have noticed your cat has the energy of a rug. You may see them as 10 years old ...

Cat Shedding Fur All Over Your Home?

Rhazia Fazal

If you share your home with a cat, chances are there is cat fur on every surface. Cat owners may ...

6 strange cat behaviors explained

6 strange cat behaviors explained that will surprise you

Rhazia Fazal

Cats are strange creatures. They’re different from dogs in a lot of ways, and one way they differ is that ...