Things That Could Be Annoying Your Cat

Sarah Brown

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Cats are the second most popular pet globally, and while they are considered to be independent and somewhat aloof animals, they often do form deep bonds with their owners.

However, while there has been a sleuth of films and TV shows that explore dog behaviour, many cat owners are unaware of cat behaviors and more importantly, they are unaware of behaviors that they may be engaging in, which may be making their cat somewhat more difficult to live with. Granted, it’s not exactly going to result in aggression on walks in the same way that it may with dogs, but living with a cat who is annoyed is not exactly going to be fun.

So, while the bonds between cats and their owners are strong, there are some things that you may be doing which can be causing your cat to become annoyed with you. If you aren’t sure if that’s the case, or if you have a moody moggie, read on. 

This article will guide you through 15 things that you may be doing which are causing your feline friend to become frustrated with you. 

Forcing Affection

As cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy has stated many times to cat owners, cats prefer affection on their terms. Of course, there are cats who enjoy being held and petted almost consistently, but then there are others who don’t. So, forcing your cat to cuddle you or to be petted when they are not in the mood is likely to lead to stress, discomfort and potentially you getting a nasty scratch or bite. Your cat will let you know when it is time for affection. Just be patient and respect their space.This is more so if you have a rescue cat, who may take more time to warm up to being petted. 

Ignoring the Litter Box

Would you be particularly happy if every time you went to the bathroom it was dirty?

You have to ensure that your cat has a clean litter box, as cats can be fastidious animals and are fairly particular about where they go to the bathroom. So, if you ignore a dirty litter box, this is going to potentially lead to inappropriate elimination around your home, as your cat may choose to do their business somewhere else. Be sure to regularly scoop and change the litter and try to keep the area as fresh as possible. This will keep your cat content and reduce the risk of those nasty accidents. 

Using Strong Scents

Much like dogs, cats have a very highly developed sense of smell, and there are certain smells that humans find pleasant which they may find repulsive. This includes strong perfumes, essential oils, and even certain cleaning products, all of which can cause your cat to become a bit moody. So, aim to stick to more mild and unscented products to avoid overwhelming your kitties nose. 

Loud Noises

Again, cats are naturally more sensitive than humans to loud noises, so if you live in a house where there is regular yelling, loud music or sharp sudden sounds, this can cause your cat to become startled and even aggressive. Overtime, this will likely lead to higher levels of anxiety and fearfulness in your moggy. So, if you need to raise your voice or use loud appliances, aim to do so in a different room to your cat. Give them a heads up by speaking calmly beforehand as this will relieve their anxiety, if you cannot use the item that is making noise in a different room.

Not Respecting Their Territory

Cats are extremely territorial and, as such, they need to feel that they have their own space in your home. This could be a favorite spot on a couch, a perch, or even a room in your home. If you regularly invade their territory by rearranging the furniture, moving things, or allowing other pets or people to intrude, it’s highly likely that the cat is going to become irritated and stressed. So try, if you can, to allow your cat to have their own personal space, where they can feel safe and retreat to if they feel scared.

Inconsistent Feeding Times

There are quite a few similarities between dogs and cats, and one is that they both thrive on routine, in particular when it comes to feeding times. If you engage in inconsistent feeding schedules with your cat, it is likely going to lead to anxiety and behavioral issues. So, aim to feed your cat at the same time every day. Or, if you work long hours and have a cat, it may be worth ensuring that their food is always accessible to them, as well as clean water of course!

Overfeeding or Underfeeding

This is likely to cause irritation to your cat and your cat’s vet! Overfeeding is likely to lead to obesity, and underfeeding is likely to cause malnutrition, both of which can lead to serious health problems. It is essential to understand your cat’s dietary needs and according to Royal Canin, there are recommended portion sizes that will help them to stay happy and healthy. 

Dressing Them Up

Yes, the Internet is full of cats being dressed in costumes and sweaters, but most cats find clothing to be uncomfortable as well as restrictive. Therefore, dressing your cat up for Halloween or their birthday may make them feel highly stressed, as well as anxious. If you have to dress your cat up for a special occasion, try to ensure that the clothing is loose fitting, doesn’t restrict their movement and try to keep the time they wear it to a minimum. But overall, it’s just best not to even try to dress them at all!

Too Much or Too Little Attention

As any cat owner will tell you, the majority of moggies are fiercely independent, but they will still need a certain amount of interaction and playtime with their owners to ensure that they are happy and healthy. If you ignore your cat, it will lead them to become bored and cause behavioral issues such as anxiety or aggression. It’s also important to not force yourself onto them, as this can also lead to aggression. So, try to learn as much as you can about your cat’s temperament and find a balance that suits you both. 

Lack of Mental Stimulation

Cats are very intelligent animals and they often require mental stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored and biting holes in your furniture.So try to ensure that they have enough toys, puzzles and interactive play times as this will help to keep them sharp and engaged and will also prevent them from destroying items of furniture around your home. 

Punishing Them

There is little to no point in punishing a cat for bad behaviour. It is not only ineffective, but it will cause damage to the bond that you share with them. In fact, punishing a cat is likely to lead them to become fearful or aggressive, so try to understand the cause of the behaviour you’re looking to change and address it in a positive way. If you have any concerns about your cat’s behaviour, talk to your vet. 

Not Providing Enough Scratching Posts

One of the most common behaviors that cats will exhibit is scratching.This is natural for them and is essential for both their physical and mental health. So, you need to ensure that around your home, you have enough appropriate scratching surfaces that your cat can turn to. This will ensure that they don’t have to take out their frustrations on your furniture, your carpets or your curtains. 

Ignoring Health Issues

Many pets are masters at hiding their illnesses, and so it’s vital that you pay attention to any changes in your cat’s behavior or appearance. Indeed, according to website, there are many signs that your cat may not be feeling well, and so it is important to ensure that they have regular vet checkups to ensure that they live a long and healthy life. 


The Internet is full of images of cats being handled by young children and looking very stressed in the process, so it’s important that you, as a cat owner, do not allow your cat to become overhanded. Cats have a natural threshold for physical handling, and once it’s crossed, they may become irritated or annoyed.So, it’s important to learn a little bit about cat behaviour to ensure that you are putting in handling them, also respecting their limits. Remember, if you over handle, this may lead to a breakdown in trust and can make your cat more hesitant to interact with you or other members of your family. 

Inadequate Grooming

Generally speaking, most cats are excellent at grooming themselves, but some that have longer fur may need a bit of help. So, you need to ensure that you are brushing your cat regularly to prevent matting, which can be uncomfortable and pull on your cat’s skin. Again, try not to over groom your cat, as this can be irritating for them and even lead to skin allergies. So, try to find a suitable compromise and then stick to it. 

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