The Most Intelligent Cat Breeds

Rhazia Fazal

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Cats are curious and independent animals, so you would expect most breeds to have their share of intelligence. If you want a cuddly, intelligent housemate, I have the top picks for cats, who rank high on smarts and love. Here are the 18 most intelligent cat breeds.


Abyssinians are one of the oldest and most intelligent cat breeds. Curiosity got the best of these cats. They love exploring and interactive toys. Their cleverness makes them quick to adapt to new environments and challenges.


The Siamese cat is known for being vocal and quick to fire back. They become firmly attached to their humans and are very good at learning tricks. They do well in interactive environments as they need to be kept mentally stimulated. Their ability to communicate effectively with their owners sets them apart from many other breeds.


Wild and brainy, Bengals are among the most domesticated cats you’ll ever find. These cats love to play, and they have been known to even enjoy a game of fetch. They are also very alert cats; they are known to solve puzzles, which is why they are listed as one of the intelligent cat breeds. Their keen sense of observation helps them quickly pick up on routines and behaviors.


Burmese cats have a great need to be with their owners, and they are very intelligent. They are known for being great problem solvers. Burmese cats are sociable which is why they make good companions.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex is a breed that has unique fur and a delicate mind. These cats are extremely playful and want to be included in everything their humans do. Their intelligence shows through, as they can learn a new trick very quickly.

Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are famous for their folded ears. They are full of curiosity and love to discover everything around them. Furthermore, Scottish Folds can easily acquire tricks and delight in engaging games. Their ability to solve problems often surprises their owners as they find ways to access hidden or hard-to-reach places.


Sphynx cats are one of the naked breeds, and although they do not have fur, their brilliance makes up for it. Burmese cats are very affectionate and enjoy being the center of attention. They are also problem solvers by nature and incredibly adaptable. Their sharp instincts help them navigate new environments with ease despite their lack of fur.

Turkish Van

Turkish Vans stand out for their love of water and high intelligence. These cats do not mind water and can even be taught to swim. Their playful and active nature renders them one of the most intelligent cats. Their curiosity drives them to explore water and other elements, making them unique among feline breeds.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex is mischievous and has a sly intelligence. Meaning that these crazy cats are nothing but devious and they will always test boundaries. These cats are able to learn tricks and you can see it through their constant curiosity.

Oriental Shorthair

The same goes for the Oriental Shorthair. A svelte body and an agile mind define this breed as well. They are social animals and love to be with other beings. Their brainpower is off the charts and they will learn whatever skills you ask of them. They excel in learning new commands and responding to training, making them stand out as intelligent companions.

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is an intelligent cat with a short tail. Known for their playful attitudes and love of games, these cats can cope in any environment easily. They are fast learners and love interactive play that engages their brains.


Tonkinese cats are a cross between Siamese and Burmese breeds, therefore it is no surprise that they are smart as well. Tonkinese have a Siamese energy and darkness combined with an intelligence noticed in the Burmese breed lines. These cats are very social and love the limelight. Their strong desire for attention is matched by their ability to entertain and engage with their human companions.

Russian Blue

Russian blue cats are very reserved, which makes them reflective creatures and incredibly smart. They are very observant which helps them pick up on new behaviors quickly. They are good at problem-solving and are routine-oriented.


These are peaceful cats, with a sharp mind that characterizes them to the core. Interactive play would help you bond with the breed and they can pick up new tricks readily. They get along with mostly everyone due to their intelligence and highly social nature, so they are great cats for families.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the largest cat breeds, but they are also one of the smartest. These cats are known for their friendly nature and problem-solving abilities. They are highly trainable and enjoy learning new tricks. Their intelligence makes them adaptable to various environments, whether indoors or outdoors.


Long-haired Balinese cats are part of the Siamese family and have that same inherent intelligence. These cats are highly social and very interactive with humans. They are fast learners with sharp minds, and they like activities that challenge them mentally. Their strong social bonds with humans make them keen to participate in activities and learn new things.


Long-haired Somalis are a breed descended from the Abyssinian but distinct in its appearance and somewhat cheekier in personality. Both of these cat breeds are very active and love to wander around. Their intelligence is evident in their ability to learn tricks and solve puzzles. Their playful and curious nature drives them to explore and master new challenges.


Ragdolls tend to be docile and placid, but they are incredibly intelligent. These cats respond well to training and enjoy showing off their skills. Despite the fact that they look laid back, their sharp minds make them a mix of beautiful class and brain. Ragdoll cats have a calm demeanor and a keen intelligence that makes them excellent at learning new behaviors and routines.

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