Are Cats Really Better Than Dogs

Rhazia Fazal

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For years, pet lovers have debated whether cats are better pets than dogs. While both of these animals could make good pets, there are reasons why cats may be the choice for you. Here are 18 reasons why cats are the superior species of dog.

Cats Are Low Maintenance

Cats are known to be independent beings! They’re not high maintenance in the way that they need daily walks, constant attention, or regular grooming. Traditionally, they need a litter box and some food, which is perfect for busy people and those who do not live in large spaces. This low-maintenance lifestyle allows cat owners to enjoy the companionship of a pet without having to rearrange their schedules significantly.

Cats Are Quieter

Dogs will bark from mailmen to the wind, whereas a cat is likely quieter. Most cats do not produce any sound other than an occasional meow, which is why they are ideal for apartment dwellers and people who like peace and quiet. This quiet nature ensures that your living space remains calm and tranquil without the sudden loud interruptions that dogs often bring.

Cats Are More Affordable

While cats are generally cheaper to own than dogs, the specific costs related to them can still be daunting. Cats are cheaper to feed, have fewer toys, and need less grooming. In addition, cats typically have fewer health problems and lack the expensive dog-specific services

Cats Are Cleaner

Cats are very clean animals. Cats, unlike dogs that require regular baths, groom themselves multiple times per day. It also means they are self-cleaning, which is great for reducing smells and keeping your home smelling fresh.

Cats Are Independent

Cats make do just fine all by themselves. They actually love being left alone compared to dogs, which have separation anxiety. Their independence also makes them a good pet for those with busy lifestyles. This self-sufficient nature means you can leave the house for hours without worrying about a needy pet waiting for you to return.

Cats Are Less Messy

Cats are also less likely to leave your house a mess. They won’t be chewing on furniture, and they don’t route through the trash or dig holes in your yard. Moreover, as they use their litter boxes indoors, it will save you from stepping on a nasty little surprise.

Cats Are Better for Small Living Spaces

Cats don’t need a lot of space to be happy. Whether you live in a tiny apartment or a large house, cats can adapt quickly. A cat’s small size and minimal exercise needs make them ideal for those with limited living space.

Cats Are Hypoallergenic

Some people are allergic to cats and with some cat breeds you get less allergens. There are breeds such as the Siberian, Balinese and Sphynx that are recognized for being hypoallergenic, which may allow those with allergies to enjoy a relationship with what is actually a feline friend.

Cats Are Rodent Control Experts

Probably the best thing about owning a cat is their ancient cult to hunt. Cats are the natural solution to rodent problems by helping you keep mice out of your home. Their presence alone can deter rodents from entering, making them an effective and natural pest control option.

Cats Have a Longer Lifespan

Cats tend to have a longer lifespan than dogs, with an average cat living over ten years and many cats getting up to the very considerable age of 15+ years. This results in lengthening the appreciated relationship and makes it less sad every time your favorite friend leaves.

Cats Require Less Training

As dogs must be instructed to follow orders, walk appropriately on a leash and interact well in public places, cats need minimal training. They are already litter box trained as it is part of their instincts with no need for learning complex commands.

Cats Are Great Stress Relievers

Owning a cat can also reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Just the act of stroking a cat can provoke stress-reducing chemicals in your brain that lower blood pressure and lift mood. This therapeutic effect is why many people find comfort and solace in the presence of their feline friends.

Cats Are Less Likely to Cause Injuries

Cats are lower energy than dogs and will not knock over small children/older people. A cat’s smaller size and calm demeanor make them safer around fragile family members. This makes cats a safer option for households with vulnerable individuals, ensuring a harmonious environment.

Cats Are Ideal for Introverts

Considering cats are notorious for being aloof and self-sufficient, these feline virtues elide quite suitably with introverted personalities. They are social but can be okay on their own, so they make great pets for those who like some solitude.

Cats Don’t Need Outdoor Space

Dogs require plenty of room to run and play, but cats do well indoors as pets. Therefore, they are a great option for individuals who live in the city or do not have open areas.

Cats Can Be Left Alone Longer

Cats are comfortable to be left for more extended periods of time if you have to leave your house for a long time, just put plenty of food and water. Your cat is advised to be checked on regularly. This means you can travel or work long hours without worrying too much about your cat’s well-being, as long as proper provisions are made.

Cats Are Better for the Environment

Cats on average have a lower carbon footprint than dogs. They have lower meat consumption and are cheaper to raise, so they make an eco-friendlier pet. This reduced environmental impact makes cats a more sustainable choice for environmentally-conscious individuals.

Cats Have a Soothing Presence

A cat purring can melt stress and anxiety away. This calming noise will not only help you feel more relaxed and reduce your stress but put everyone in the family at ease. The soothing effect of a cat’s purr can also have physical health benefits, which can include lowering blood pressure and promoting overall well-being.

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